Temperature scarf is now finished

About 1st or 2nd of January I finally finished the knitting of my temperature scarf and then all that was left was tying and cutting the ends. (No sewing in because they were to be inside. Yay!) sewing up the ends and adding some tassels.

So here it is! January starts at the end in the middle of the photograph and the orange stripe, top left, is the hottest day of the year in July when I went to Christchurch.0546-scarf-whole-yearYou may note that although I had a colour for below freezing (purple) and a few reds for hotter temperatures 0437-Temperature chartthat for 2016 the winters have been mild and the summer warm rather than hot. Other years we have had colder winters and hotter summers. However personally I like a more equitable climate.

It was so difficult to take a photograph of me wearing the scarf at home that when one of my Crafty Coffee friends wanted to take a photograph with her phone for the Facebook page I asked if I could have a copy.

Here is the first one where I was feeling anxious and had my hands over the scarf. 0546-wearing-scarf-in-focusas you can see.

And here is another. A much better photograph except that is a bit out of focus! 0546-wearing-scarfYou can see some of the people in the group sitting round the table in the background!

I am really, really pleased with it and because it is double thickness it is very warm and cosy and will stand up to cover my chin if I choose.

I also like the fact that it is longer than my other scarves and I love long tassels on a scarf.


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