Half a Cushion Cover

About a month ago I showed you the start of my Celtic cushion cover.two rows completeWhen I came back from the crochet retreat, I first made a  garland for the fireplace using the flower patterns from the retreat but I then went back to the cushion cover and I have now finished it.half of the cushion cover with knot in purpleThe design is what is called Solomon’s Knot. The problem with this way of making Celtic knots is that you need more space than with some other crochet methods, so it is better suited to blankets, but I was actually quite pleased with how this turned out.

I now have worked out a way to extend the edging across a square and round a point when using this method, which was the main aim of the exercise.

You might have expected that I would now continue with making the other side of the cover but I have acquired many other things I want to do, so that will be put on the back burner for a while.

I have moved on to making another wreath like the one from the retreat. my first wreathThis time for my daughter. I am quite pleased as this time I will have more time and I can maybe embellish it with a greater number of flowers. I also have bought another ball of the Bellissima yarnBellissima yarn so I can make a more neutral background for the flowers. It isn’t obvious in the above photograph, cameras seeing things slightly differently to eyes, but the little blue flower on the right doesn’t show up very well in reality against the blue (same blue) and green background.


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