Revisiting Old Patterns

One of the first patterns that I shared with people was that for my Celtic Coasters.However I was aware that it had to be made in DK weight cotton yarn as in a worsted/Aran weight would come out much too big.

Here you can see one I made recently.I did try to make a three part one in Cahlista, that is an Aran weight, some time ago as an alternative but that was too small. Shades of the Three Bears!

The optimum size for coasters seem to be about four inches across and that was what  I was aiming for.

However just recently I had a bright idea and realised that it might be possible to rejig the pattern to create what I wanted and so I created –It came out just a shade bigger than the original.I also made it in the Cahlista.and although I had to use a slightly larger hook, it came out the same size.

So I followed this up by rewriting the original pattern to fit the new coaster. Had it tested by four people on Ravelry and published it on the 8th.Clicking on the photo will take you to the pattern page.

Now one of my testers liked the idea of my Celtic Hot Pad pattern.but wasn’t able to get the chunky weight yarn that it is made of. So I wondered if that could be made in worsted too.

I had originally made it in DK but could see that that was too large for a coaster and too small for a hot pad.
So I bought some chunky Yarn and Colors Super Must-Have and this time it came out at what I thought was an acceptable size.I have it in the kitchen on my window sill and do use it from time to time.

Now it looked as if made in worsted weight it would not only be thinner but smaller, so I wondered if I could rejig the pattern in a different way to that of the coaster, if only for fun, as I wasn’t sure how thick a hot pad needed to be.

I didn’t have enough worsted weight yarn as I had only bought four colours to make the coaster but I did have five different colours of the Cahlista (Aran weight) so I used that and made this.As you can see, it came out a lot bigger. In fact much too large this time.

Because the green and blue were so similar, I took it apart and rethreaded it, as you will notice in the following photograph.

Here you can see it compared to the original.I was surprised to find, when I turned the hot pad over, that the colours had faded a great deal.The strips also seem to have shrunk a little. I may have washed it.

I will use my new ‘hot pad’ as a decorative mat somewhere, so it will get used, but I won’t be publishing the new pattern.


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