I’ve been a bit distracted!

So this is just a bit of a teaser. TeaserThe pile on the left is complete the other one not so. (I’ve moved over more to knitting!)

What you can see at the back on the left is a pile of winter jasmine that I have pulled down and pulled up!

I haven’t had much time lately for reading blogs or thinking of things to write about because I have been out in the garden digging out anything that is hard to look after.

I am planning to make my garden much more easy care with a preference for fragrant plants and bee friendly ones. Bulbs are good too.

Over the years I haven’t taken many long views of my garden as it is easier to photograph the individual flowers and it never looks wonderful all at once.

Here are a couple though taken at different times. Left-hand side of gardenThis is the left side of the garden with my apple tree. This is the shadiest side and I have decided it makes more sense to have the rotary washing line this side and the apple tree on the other.

This is a view of the paving on the right hand size. It was taken when I was experimenting with drawing a maze but I couldn’t find a way to make it permanent. This was drawn in chalk. Paving on right sideThe pots to the left are on the step up to this higher level. I am getting rid of all pots in the back garden, (except my chives and the blue ones just to look pretty), not so much because of the watering but because it is hard to weed them and replant them.

These two together show pretty much all the garden and I want to rearrange things and have new paving with no gaps so I don’t spend much of my ‘gardening’ time weeding between them.

I have resolved not to grow any plants that are too big for a tiny garden either as they tend to get out of hand in the end!

And here is a better view of what I showed you at the beginning! Other angle


  1. I am an old mother of three and grandmother of three too. I love cooking too andcrazy about work with yarns: broderies, crochet, etc..


    • I wouldn’t have done it but last summer all I did was weed between the blocks so the garden looked so awful that I realised I was avoiding looking out at it from the sitting room when it had always been my joy. So something had to be done!


  2. I love the colourfulness of your blog, I saw the initial photo in my blog reel and had to smile,it’s great 😀

    That lavender must smell wonderful when it’s in bloom. A neighbour of mine has a dfront garden that’s full of it and it’s lovely to walk past it! They’re actually my neighbour opposite but I find excuses to walk past their house to smell it in season!


  3. Looks like the start of a blanket… whatever it is you’re making, good luck with it. I crochet too but am having a break from it for a few days. As for the garden, I look forward to seeing your progress on yours. 🙂


  4. What beautiful plants you have in your garden! I like the maze too. It would be great if you could find a way to make it permanent.


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