Monochrome Madness offerings

All these photographs are the ones sent to ‘Monochrome Madness’ so will enlarge if you click on them.

This year the Photo Challenge has rather distracted me from working on monochrome photographs but I have managed to send in fourteen pictures over the last few months. rainbow-junkie-3-1-beeI love photographing bees and take every opportunity to do so. This a part of a photograph I took at Criccieth.

rainbow-junkie-3-3-cityI missed a week and I think this was probably a theme week – City. I expect you can recognise that this was taken in London.

rainbow-junkie-3-4-cameliaThis is the first of a few flower photgraphs I worked on. It was a camelia that had fallen off a bush just up the road from me.

rainbow-junkie-3-5-bee-in-flowerAnother bee photograph as well as a flower one!

rainbow-junkie-3-6-mahoniaThis is a mahonia flower. There is a bush I pass when going to the bus stop.

rainbow-junkie-3-7-closedAnother theme week I think – Closed. This is the door of the nearer of the two churches in my parish.

rainbow-junkie-3-10-roseMissed two weeks this time but found another of my flower photographs (I love photographing flowers as well as bees!) This time a white rugosa rose.

rainbow-junkie-3-15-roseFour weeks missed. This is a white and deep pink rose that I found quite delightful.

rainbow-junkie-3-16-movementI think this must have been a theme week too – Movement. Taken on the day I went to Christchurch.

rainbow-junkie-3-18-ceilingMissed a week. Thought that this ceiling looked even better in monochrome. You will find it in the West Gate museum in Winchester.

rainbow-junkie-3-22-the-butteryAnother three weeks missed. My visit to Chichester last summer. When I stopped for a coffee and something to eat. I think it was called ‘The Buttery’.

rainbow-junkie-3-31-beautifulEight weeks missing this time; becoming a real struggle to even remember to send in something. Another photograph from Chichester. An art exhibition in the Cathedral.

rainbow-junkie-3-32-in-the-woodsManaged to remember. A monochrome version of one of the photographs taken when finding a Photo Challenge photograph for ‘Wild’. Taken on Southampton Common with my phone.

rainbow-junkie-3-37-turretsGave up trying for the next four weeks but this is the first of this year. Taken last summer at St Catherine’s Chapel, Abbotsbury.

I hope to manage to find something every week from now on!


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