Almost a Cushion Cover

At the beginning of last week I really thought that I would have the second side of my cushion cover to show you.
The one on the left, though with colours reversed, but it has been one of those weeks.

Three things, over three days can be said to have limited the time I have spent crocheting.

First, getting a new box to record TV. This is something important to me because the best TV is often on from 2100 to 2200 or 2000 to 2200 but 2100 is when I start to think about getting ready for the morning, switching off the computer and getting ready for bed, so that I am in bed by ten ready to have half an hour with my latest library book. I know these days there is catch up but it doesn’t include everything.

On Wednesday my son said if I bought it he would help me collect it and set it up on Thursday. So that’s what I did but by the time he left I was pretty tired and spent more time getting to know how it worked than watching TV and crocheting.Yes, I ought to do more dusting!

Then Friday I was having someone come to give me a quotation for replacement windows and doors. Unfortunately this did not go as I expected and although I now have a quotation, I spent the afternoon wondering what to do and ended up phoning two other companies and feeling a bit down. In the evening I was more inclined to ponder all my options than settle down to a little crochet.
This is in the integral garage, not the house, but it is still not something I ought to leave till next year.

Saturday, I spent most of the day working on feedback from a tester on my latest blanket pattern and also rewriting a part that I thought could do with improvement.
This went well but didn’t leave much time for crochet.

Did a bit today though, so now have all the pieces I need.Was a bit touch and go though and I had to rummage through my scraps to find enough red yarn to finish.Surely though it can’t take more than a week to join these all together. So hopefully next week I will be able to show you. Maybe even have joined it to the other half and have a finished cover.

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