Photo Challenge – Stitch

I seem to be choosing these photographs more for their capacity to embody a story than any artistic merit. Photo Challenge1605 -StitchThe story behind this photograph concerns my children but I will start with a little bit about myself as a child.

When I was a child I would follow my father and mother around always eager to learn to do the things that they did. In this way I learnt how to use tools from my father plus photography, including developing, enlarging and printing black and white film. Fom my mother I learnt to cook and sew and all sorts of handicrafts, including knitting, crochet and embroidery.

I expected the same from my children but in the event the only one who showed any interest in cooking was my son and none of them wanted to learn to knit or sew. However I did feel that there were two things that I had to teach them. One of these was how to wire a plug, which I taught each of them before they went off to university. The other was how to handle a needle.

The memory is a bit hazy now but I know that at some point when they were probably about twelve, ten and eight the opportunity arose and each of them produced a piece of needlework. I bought aida fabric, provided an array of embroidery threads and let each of them decide on what they wanted to do with them.

My eldest produced this. Eldest child embroideryI just love those stars! The orderly symmetry of it is very, very her. This decorates the top of my chest of drawers in my bedroom.

My youngest was happy just to do straight lines. Son embroideryI think that I completed the cross stitch hem to keep the edge tidy.

Tne only other piece of embroidery I have is this. Younger daughter embroiderySo I am assuming that this is what my younger daughter made. (That it is very different to the other two is typical!) Again I presume I hemmed it.

These last two are on surfaces in my study.

None of them has gone on to become avid sewers but I think they can all sew on a button!


  1. I love the stories behind the photos! So lovely that you still have these pieces all looking in such good condition. None of my kids seem to be interested in learning anything from me – but grandchildren, that’s different!


  2. What lovely keepsakes, and that they’re still in use too. Good job you hemmed them all that time ago. Shame they didn’t follow in your footsteps, but I bet there’s not many out there who can do the basics AND rewire a plug! 😀


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