Photo Challenge – Fern

Now this was a tricky one as I am not especially partial to ferns. Bracken on a Welsh hillside mountain, yes, your garden ferns, no!

Up to now I have tried to stay ahead with my photographs but being so busy with my garden, there I was on Sunday with no photograph; so I resorted to a visit to East Park in the city centre on my way home from church.

Luckily, and I do mean luckily because the place I had hoped to have ferns didn’t seem to have accessible ones, I found some almost at once. Not entirely easy to photograph and they are obviously just waking up after a winter sleep and I couldn’t really step on the beds to get a better angle but I did find this. Photo Challenge16019 - fernSuch a lovely spring time green and though it’s hard to see at this resolution a tiny snail attached. Tiny snailI also took this photograph that I thought if you ignored the scale could be some sort of alien life. Alien life?Though of course just a fern waking up like a sleepy animal uncurling.


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