Mid-Week Makes – Week Three – Lanterns pt 2

This week I finished off the project.

I needed the following items.paper scissors, bradawl, paper circle, Stanley knife blade and stork embroidery scissorsI first used the little stork embroidery scissors to trim the excess fabric from the base of the cups.

I was a little disappointed to discover that inspite of my having only used a thin layer of glue the fabric had bubbled on some of the cups.wrinkled fabric on cupThis was probably the worst one and most were okay. It doesn’t really notice at a distance though. Not quite sure why it happened.

Did you try to guess what I was making? The clue was in the title of the post and the one item in the picture of what had been provided that was not mentioned again. That is ‘a string of LED bulbs and battery box’.

I cut out the circle of paper you can see in the top picture and used it to position a central hole in the base of each cup,  which I made with  the bradawl.  I then cut a small cross with the Stanley knife blade because a cross-cut seems to be the way that holes that need to be big enough for something to go through but then need to close up afterwards are made.
hole in base of paper cupI then arranged the cups in a pleasingly random order and pushed the ten LED bulbs through the base of the cups.

It had been suggested that hanging them over a door, placing the battery box on the top of the door frame, was a good idea. I felt that you could only hang them outside a door, as doors in rooms open inwards. The string also seemed rathe long for over a door and would hang down too low for tall people like my son. I therefore opted to hang them from the banisters in the hall, at least for the purpose of photographs. I am not sure if they will stay there and have moved them up a few banisters since.

The light is not very good in the hall but here they are.lanterns hanging from banistersThis is how they look lit.lanterns litIn order to ‘save the planet’ I have stopped leaving my hall lights on in the evening inspite of having energy saving bulbs. It has occurred to me that I could use these lanterns as an alternative, to stop me stumbling round in the dark but, with them needing three AA batteries, I am not sure if this would be either more ecological or cheaper.

Week four of five this week. I wonder what it will be.

We have been told we need nail varnish remover, so I have bought some.


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