My Garden – Another Peek

A couple of days ago I went out and took some more pictures in the back garden.

This was mainly prompted by the sight of my apple tree. Over the past few weeks I have gradually witnessed the arrival of leaves and blossom. The blossom was very welcome, as last year there was very little and in the end I only got to eat one very small apple, unlike the previous year when I was overwhelmed with apples. I’ll show you what I mean.

Two years ago, I shared this picture with tree 2022Then last year, I did take a photograph but it was too disappointing to tree 2023This year is much tree 2024Not as much blossom as 2022, although that is partly accounted for by the fact that the photograph from 2022 was taken on the 1st of May when all the blossom was open. However I am not disappointed by the thought that there may be less blossom, as it is a small tree and too many apples can be a liability.

While I was out there, I took the opportunity to take a few more photographs.

A closer view of the apple blossom.My herb bed, that I didn’t share last time.Both the Rosemary and the Sage tend to take over and have to bed cut back quite dramatically from time to time. The bare patch at the left is where a lavender bush grew way bigger than it said on the tag and was quite out of control. The flowers at the front on the left are Forget-me-nots that came from nowhere, many years ago, and come up all over the place every year.

This is a closer look but really to do them justice you have to photograph them individually.Over the other side of the garden, further along from the Hellebores I showed you last time, the Lily of the Valley have reasserted themselves.In the bed at the back of the garden the bluebells have come up.I bought them from a garden centre as traditional native bluebells a few years ago but bluebells hybridise easily and I think that might be happening here.I am still much more tired than I was before COVID and got quite breathless this morning, finally getting around to stripping the beds from when the family visited. Still, it seemed a shame not to share these photographs I had taken.

So time for lunch and a rest and then maybe later, I can catch up with the blogs I follow with a mug of tea.


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