Looking to the Future

I am not one to make a big thing about entering a New Year with resolutions and such but the Ravelry group I belong to has a “MakeNineMAL 2024″as one of their discussion topics. I joined in with last years’s and it was quite fun,  so I have been thinking about what my plans for the next few months are.

Haven’t got nine yet but I know one of the things is to finish the blanket I am currently working on.

I showed you how far I had got, in November, when I had completed the first third of the central part. first 7 rows of the blanketWell now it is two months later and I have completed a little bit more than the next third.

The start was all blue and green but now I have left blue and green behind me and am working on purples and reds and yellows.Next lot of rows of blanketI have already started making the hexagons for Row 17.

Another plan, that I have yet to start, is to make a cover for the cushion I use for a bit of lumber support when I sit on the settee.cushion I boughtI can see that I bought it almost nine years ago.

It has had new innards since then because the original stuffing was polyester and that always goes flat and lumpy with time.

I bought a feather filled cylinder for it, that I thought might last longer, and have always intended either to embroider the design or make it a crochet cover.

Well, I have never fitted in my original plan and lost the piece of paper for it. Now, however, I have decided that I like the colours and texture of my Springfrost blanket so much  (Last year’s Attic24 CAL)Springfrost blanket on setteethat I am going to make a cover to match. This will be a useful way to use up more of my stash, which is actually the Ravelry group topic for January, so maybe I should start it before I finish my blanket.

I have other plans for some of my stash, not as specifically stash busting projects but because the blanket I am making will leave me with lots of different colours to use up and the projects I have in mind only need small amounts of colours.

I want to make a sleeveless top / jacket. I have already drawn up plans.

I also am working on plans for a new cushion for my bedroom.Sea and Sand granny ripple blanket on chairI have sometimes felt, I could do with a cushion for this chair in my bedroom. (This is a photograph from when I finished the blanket – the blanket is till on the chair but the bookcase is the other side of the bed.)

I have often found that cushions are a good way of trying out ideas that might otherwise be incorporated into blankets that would take a lot longer.

Have you got plans for projects for this year? Do you make plans in advance or go with the flow?


  1. Finishing some bits and bobs, I’ve completed a little make today, frogged something else and picked up a project I last touched in 2019! More about those soon.

    Good plans going on with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your blanket is looking fabulous, and cushion covers are a great idea! I have my next four projects semi-planned – they’re for birthdays and a new baby so all deadline knitting!

    Liked by 1 person

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